14 April 2014

Cod, Thai green curry, Basmati rice

The garden needed too much work to go shopping on Saturday, but the supermarket had just announced they would be open on Sunday morning. They were, but not their butcher nor the fish department. 

Had to buy some frozen cod and a packet of ready made Thai green curry. Still had some papadums and Basmati rice in the larder.

Covered the fish with some flour (just put them together in a plastic bag and shake). 

Boiled the rice. Heated up the curry mix in 5 minutes. In the same time fried the fish.

Crisped the papadums in the microwave (1 min at 900 W). Served as shown with some fresh coriander. Delicious!

< Works with salmon as well. Or chicken.


Or sea trout >

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Potatoes, smoked salmon, asparagus, horseradish mayo

Boil the potatoes. 

Mix mayo with horseradish and some capers

Boil the green asparagus. 

Start plating with the potatoes, add some mayo mix. 

Then asparagus and salmon, and finally an extra dollop of the sauce

Scallops, leek, beetroot

Normally I would serve this with crumbled Spanish or Italian ham, but as the guest was a fish eating vegetarian I came up with the beetroot crumble. Quite chuffed about it. 

Sweat some some shallot in butter till soft. Add a glass of Noilly Prat and reduce till 20%. Add a glass of desert wine and do the same. Add lobster or shrimp stock and reduce till a nice consistency. Keep the sauce warm. 

Cut a leek in thin match like strips, sweat in butter till soft. Set apart. 

Slice a fresh (uncooked) beetroot in crisps thin slices. 

Grill the scallops in a dry pan. 

Deep fry the beetroot, dry with kitchen paper and crumble.