16 October 2024

Lamb chops, sea aster, corn

Panfry 4 lamb chops in a little butter, 2 mins per side. In the meantime wok a handful of sea aster in a little olive oil

Serve as shown with some corn from a tin

6 October 2024

Carne crude with anchovies and lemon zest

Slice 200g fillet of beef in 4x4 mm cubes. Roughly hack 50g hazelnuts and toast them in 1 tbsp olive oil. Drain and finely hack 4 anchovies.

Mix the meat with 2/3 of the hazelnuts, 2 tbsp good olive oil, the anchovies and the zest of 1/2 lemon. Taste and season with salt and pepper 

Serve as shown with watercress, finish with olive oil, fresh pepper, the last of the hazelnuts and more lemon zest.

(Here Dosia Brewers original recipe in Dutch)